Every student enjoys seeing the fruits of his or her labour. While performing on stage is not the sole goal of the Académie Ballet Flamenco Lina Moros, dancing before a live audience is a wonderful opportunity for flamenco lovers to make the most of the full range of their training. The Fiesta del Verano (The Summer Fiesta), held in the latter part of June has become an annual event since the year 2000. These flamenco performances give students the chance to share the joy of flamenco with peers, professional flamenco musicians and of course, friends and family.
For over 15 years Lina Moros’s flamenco students have performed at events such as the Festival montréalais de la danse, La Peña flamenca des écoles, fund-raising performances, public festivals and private events. In 2010 several students participated in an episode of ArTV’s Voulez-vous danser ? The school’s dancers area a source of pride to Madame Moros and an inspiration to students newer to the academy.